“Can’t we All Be Mediterranean”

In reading the article, “Can’t We ALL Be Mediterranean,” (author unknown), I found myself laughing uncontrollably. This article talks about the fact that Mediterraneans have a way of life that many people desire. The first sentence caught me because it hit close to home, “Mediterranean means having a way with eggplant, being hospitable, having a grandmother who makes incredible pastries…” As many know, my grandmother makes the MOST amazing dinners, pastries, anything really. I am always so grateful to have that in my background, besides my Hispanic blood. And yes, eggplant parm is her main, BEST dish EVER!

What also made me laugh about this article were the ways you can get your “Mediterranean on too!” The first one is my favorite, “Talk with your hands.” I especially liked this one because it’s something I, as well as many others, get made fun of about all the time. We are very expressive people and if we can’t use our hands, we might as well be dead. Another important point in the article was never to show up empty handed to a dinner. For my family this is a big thing, if you are going to taste this wonderful cooking, you had better bring something tastey to it! Another thing that is so true about this culture is the fact that you DON’T show up early to dinner, ever. For example, my grandmother always has something cooking- therefore it takes the whole day to plan and prepare dinner. If a guest unexpectadly shows up early, she is just so ashamed of not being done and now has to stress over it.

This article is just a great writing about Mediterranean culture and just how different things are…

February 20, 2007. Uncategorized.

One Comment

  1. Final Blog (assignment) « Steph’s Sillyness replied:

    […] first “favorite” blog was “Can’t We All Be Mediterranean?” In which the article talks about how Mediterraneans have the type of life that people […]

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